Stallholder Info
Paddington Markets deeply values and cares for our Stallholders. Use this page to log into our Stallholders Portal, apply for a Stall, and do anything else Stallholder related.
Stallholder Login:
If you have applied for a stall and have been approved to attend the Market, please click here and provide your username and password.
Apply for a Stall:
IMPORTANT: Before you apply…
You must thoroughly read the Stallholder Information and Stallholder License.
How do I Apply?
Simply fill out our Online Application Form.
Making your Application
Please have images ready of the product/s you intend to sell, possibly your stall set up somewhere else, a website link, Facebook page, Instagram handle or anything else you can think of that will help communicate your stall’s set-up, brand ethos and the products you will be selling.
Note our software system does not accept high resolution images so make sure your photos are saved as small files otherwise there may be a problem with your Application being processed. The free internet based app is good for reducing the file size of your images:
Need more time or need to supply more information?
If you need some time to put together a proposal, get together a product range, redevelop a concept, create or revamp your brand, develop an online presence, let us know what you propose and we can work with you towards that end. If the Application Form is too limiting to include everything, send us an email with more information.
What Happens When I Apply?
When you complete the Application Form, there will be a message displayed on our website that states your Application has been successfully sent. We will get back to you asap.
Click here for the Online Application Form